WhatsApp is currently providing special pricing campaign service for Mobile operators, the IP pool is only available for those operators. Please note that we have migrated the latest IP pools of WhatsApp to Facebook Mobile Partner Portal and the IP pool update process has been fully automated. Unfortunately, we are not able to share any IP pools manually since now on as they are dynamically generated per partner. *We are not currently providing support for pricing campaigns with WhatsApp for non-mobile operators.* If your network is a mobile operator, feel free to browse to the Settings page of the portal and download the latest WhatsApp IP pool: https://fb.me/mpp_support IP pool updates are provided exclusively through the portal and are no longer distributed via email or through the WhatsApp web site. If YOU ARE A MOBILE OPERATOR AND you have not yet registered on the Mobile Partner Portal or have difficulties accessing it - please request access through the following form and we'll be happy to assist: https://fb.me/mpp_access For any technical requests please contact us through the Support section of the portal: https://fb.me/mpp_support WhatsApp team